

About us

The Founders

Stefan Ericsson is the inventor who think differently and quickly create practical solutions. Eric Bjorkman is visionary with extensive experience in process control, especially wood drying.eric och stefan Alent With great commitment and participation from sawmills, Stefan and Eric has been able to test new ideas in drying kilns. Systematic experiments and unexpected events have contributed to several patents and rapid technological advances. It was Stefan and Eric who in the early 90s launched pressurized warm water spraying, condensation walls and load cell shrinkage measurement.
The new energy-efficient drying method, Alentpumpen, is based on an unexpected event in a drying kiln, but is also a typical result of the collaboration between the pioneers Stefan and Eric.


The development of new Alentpump drying technology began in 2007 in a large batch kiln at Stenvalls Trä, a large sawmill in northern Sweden. The result was spread among neighboring sawmill that gradually expanded with several Alentpump controllers and suddenly we had over 50 systems in operation. "Prototypes" which required manual intervention by us and our customers, but learned us pump drying the hard way in reality.
For us, it was clear that Alentpumpen would become a new standard for wood drying. It was far superior to all other methods of production drying of pine and spruce. Next step was to expand the Alent organization. Eric's son Peder becomes the CEO and new resources enter the company and development of the new Alent control system takes off.

International initiative

Alent will pass several milestones in May 2013:
• 100 Alentstyrningar operating in northern Sweden.
• Alent exhibit at Ligna trade fair to start searching distributors in other countries and to seek partnerships with other dryer manufacturers and Cleantech Companies worldwide.
• Alent release another key product for wood drying: Online soft sensor for wood moisture content.

At the same time we are strengthening the organization and begin sales in Sweden and Norway. Alent also build a support organization focused on helping customers to constantly improve its drying process